1. Start your day with an affirmation to lighten your spirit and lift your mood – “Light radiates from me”

2. Shoulder openers – move your lymph and warm your body

3. Bellows breath – lifts your spirit and relaxes you

4. Bees Breath –vibrate your cranium

5. Heart opening flow – lift your spirit by bringing light into your heart

Draw light and non-judgement into your heart

Draw light and non-judgement into your heart

Lift your arms and heart to the sky

Lift your arms and heart to the sky

6. Standing backbend –Lift your arms and heart to the sky

Gentle Standing backbend

Gentle Standing backbend

Flow through Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Flow through Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

7. Forward fold with NG sound – get your head below your heart and vibrate

Get your head below your heart

Get your head below your heart



8. Visualization - spend a few moments at the end of your practice visualizing light radiating within and around you.