One-on-one Yoga Therapy (in person or Skype)   

Each Yoga Therapy is unique based on the needs of my client. One-on-one allows us to focus on the deeper healing and personalized practices. Yoga Therapy can be very helpful for processing and healing grief, anxiety and trauma. This processing is not psychotherapy; we are not interested in rehashing past wounds, rather we move the care inward and look for the places in your physical body where those wounds live and we release them with the tools of yoga. You can read more about Yoga Therapy HERE. Most people who come for one-on-one sessions are looking for personalized care from someone who understands what they're going through and can provide individual support for their unique circumstance. If this sounds like you I would be honoured to be that support for you.

Private Healing Retreats

Private Healing Retreats are like a day at the spa for your heart and soul. Nourish your heart as you process and grieve a pregnancy loss or miscarriage. A day of one-on-one care and attention includes practices designed specifically for YOUR body and energy, a nourishing lunch customized to your taste and food preferences, visualization and manifesting to bring you back to your Self. We will create healing rituals that support your journey.