hold fast to stillness

Our culture has programmed us for "doing", producing and moving. Stillness can be scary but it is in stillness that our intuition rises so we can capture our creativity and dream. This month I am exploring the theme of letting go and finding stillness in order to move forward.

Gomukhasana with Morgan the Calf
Gomukhasana with Morgan the Calf

Have you ever tried a yoga pose (or other body movement) and felt like you just didn't "get it"? Have you ever been stuck in life, in work or in a relationship and felt you just couldn't get out? And then, all of a sudden, you have an "Ah ha" moment and you unlock a path out of the struggle. What is that space - that shift - where the Ah ha is born?

My Ah Ha's have all been born in stillness.

The last year I worked in the corporate world my bosses came to our team with our yearly objectives. They felt we needed to "work harder at being creative". The ridiculousness of this statement opened an awareness in me that has shifted my entire perspective on work and creativity.  In many ways it has been a guiding light for my work in Yoga.  For this I am extraordinarily grateful.

Creativity and dreams stagnate in effort and struggle. They blossom in stillness. Of this I am certain.


Struggle (pushing beyond our capacity)

Working hard may be inevitable

Struggle does not have to be

Work hard but remember ...

stop pushing, breathe, pause, hold fast to stillness.

In stillness you will find balance

space to dream

a place to grow creativity

and just maybe

your capacity will expand.

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